Earning Berries
Regular Task Points
Connect Wallet & Get Testnet Coins:
Earn 10 Berries for connecting your wallet for the first time.
This reward is limited to one-time per wallet.
MetaMint and Staking LP Tokens :
Depositing BTC for YBTC: Earn 24 Berries for every 0.001 BTC deposited, rewarded after 24 hours.
Opening Positions with YBTC: Earn 1 Berry per 0.001 YBTC/hour. The first 24 hours count, but earnings are forfeited if withdrawn during this time.
MetaMint $YU: Earn 0.05 Berries per $YU/hour. Similar withdrawal rules as YBTC.
Staking LP Tokens: Convert LP tokens to $YU-equivalent and earn 0.04 Berries/hour per $YU. Rewards are delayed by 24 hours after balance changes.
Example Calculation
Deposit 0.01 BTC and mint 100 $YU using 1 YBTC:
a) BTC Deposit: 240 Berries after 24 hours.
b) YBTC Usage: 10 Berries/hour, totaling 480 Berries in 48 hours.
c) MetaMint $YU: 5 Berries/hour, totaling 240 Berries in 48 hours.
Total: 960 Berries after 48 hours.
Stake 10 $YU-equivalent LP tokens:
Rewards start after 24 hours, accruing 0.4 Berries/hour (10 × 0.04).
Follow and Engage on Twitter:
Follow Yala on Twitter: Earn 10 Berries. One account per wallet.
Engage on Twitter: Earn 1 Berry per like/retweet (max 10 per day for each).
Daily Check-in:
Earn 1 Berry daily by checking in via the "Berries & Leaderboard" page. Resets every 24 hours.
Submit Feedback:
Earn 10 Berries per submission (max 5/day). Feedback must be at least 30 words with one screenshot.
Referral Program
You can boost your Berry count by referring others to Yala. Here’s how it works:
Refer a Friend: When someone joins Yala using your referral link and starts earning Berries through regular tasks, you will automatically earn 15% of the Berries they earn.
Share your unique referral link with friends or within your network.
Make sure the referee uses the correct referral link when signing up and connecting their wallet. You can earn Points if you complete tasks on the same blockchain as the referral link.
Your Berry balance will increase by 15% of your friends' task rewards as they complete tasks and earn Berries.
By referring others, you help expand the Yala community and significantly increase your own Berry count, climbing higher on the leaderboard and unlocking more rewards.
Berries Earning Limits for High-Scoring Users
To ensure fairness and balance within the Yala ecosystem, earning limits for Berries are applied when users exceed certain score thresholds.
For Users with Over 10 Million Points:
Metamint Rewards: Maximum of 250,000 Berries/24 hours.
Staking LP Tokens: Maximum of 480,000 Berries/24 hours.
Referral Rewards: Maximum of 600,000 Berries/24 hours.
Blind Box: Maximum of 1,000,000 Berries per event.
For Users with Over 20 Million Points:
Metamint Rewards: Maximum of 200,000 Berries/24 hours.
Staking LP Tokens: Maximum of 480,000 Berries/24 hours.
Referral Rewards: Maximum of 500,000 Berries/24 hours.
Lucky Draw: Maximum of 800,000 Berries per event.
For Users with Over 30 Million Points:
Metamint Rewards: Maximum of 150,000 Berries/24 hours.
Staking LP Tokens: Maximum of 480,000 Berries/24 hours.
Referral Rewards: Maximum of 400,000 Berries/24 hours.
Lucky Draw: Maximum of 600,000 Berries per event.
Last updated